

Dalian zhongyi plastic Co., Ltd.




Dalian ZhongYi Plastic Products Co., Ltd. is specialized in PP corrugated sheet and circulation box design and manufacture.  We can also supply anti-static rubber mat, anti-static PVC transparent sheet, Anti-static working clothes, shoes and other clean room products.
PP corrugated sheet are made from impact co-polymer of polypropylene. It is an extruded hollow profile consist of two flat walls connected by vertical ribs. The PP corrugated sheets are strong, light weight, water proof, chemical proof, vermin proof, and food grade. It can be fabricated easily using paper board converting machineries. The sheets are corona treated on both sides and has good printability.

We offer PP Corrugated Returnable Packaging. Use of packaging to handle Asthetic Components between the Vendors and OEM is a very important part of Logistics today. Transit damages due to packaging is a vital factor which adds to the ultimate cost of the component. These are manufactured using quality material like corrugated board. The crates are widely demanded by various industries to carry goods from one place to another. Further, we provide customization on the basis of shapes, sizes, colors, and designs.


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